When should you contact a personal injury lawyer after a car accident in los angeles keep watching this video to find out the number one reason you should contact a car accident lawyer within the first days of a car accident. Hi I'm personal injury trial lawyer here with the law firm so again the answer really is within the first days you ought to contact a personal injury lawyer and quite frankly it would be good to do so within the first several days. Now does not mean you need to hire a car accident lawyer at that point and quite frankly when we get calls that early probably about half of those calls we end up telling folks because of the situation or the injuries at that point that you don't need to hire us. Just yet let's see how things progress but we give the client some of the tools they need to fully protect their rights as if they had a car accident lawyer and the number one reason is as follows you want to make sure that you contact all insuran...
News about Personal injury attorney, dog bite lawyer, motorcycle accident attorneys, truck accident lawyer, uber accident lawyer, car accident lawyer.